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PRISM is an epilepsy research project focussed on having EEGs at home that are cool, involving a device that it easy to use, and which provides the information needed by clinicians!
We are working closely with People With an Epilepsy (PWE), their Carers, and their Clinicians, to figure out how we can collect the data needed to learn more about a person’s individual epilepsy (to improve treatment and care) - and to figure out even if it is an epilepsy (could someone be having Functional Seizures, be fainting, having an anxiety attack instead - or in addition?!).
In our adult cohort/group of people, we have people of varying sexes, ethnicities, races, locations, cultures, including people with intellectual disability, autism, and movement disorders, including parents, carers, and of course; people with a diagnosis of an epilepsy.
Who we are
Who We are
Plain english summary
There exists an exciting opportunity to create a new type of EEG technology. One that not only provides great outputs to clinicians, but is more accessible, comfortable and home based.
We want to connect with People with Epilepsy to co-design this product. No travel will be required, but we will send you some props to test out and then share feedback through interviews over the phone.
Study Overview
Ed wearing a traditional EEG headset
Study Plan
Interested in finding out more?
Sign up here and we will be in touch!
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